Crock Pot Asian Pork & Vegetables

I love any recipe that requires little to no prep, especially for a Monday night. Monday's are always our errand running day so I love to either do "Brinner" or Crock-Pot dinners.... PS I really love brinner, who doesn't love french toast and bacon?

Moving on! I picked up this recipe from, over the year's I have tweaked it to suit our needs, whether it's to replace a hard to find or overly expensive ingredient OR to just use what we have on hand. I will link back to her original Crock Pot Asian Pork With Mushrooms because it definitely deserves prop's. I have gotten SO many family favorite recipes from Gina that I have been cooking for years, you must check her out!

When I meal plan (every Wednesday), I check over the sales add for my local grocery store. Make a list of items that have to be replenished. Then if something great is on sale, bella mushrooms for .99 cents, I will scoop up three containers and either A. Cook with them or B. Freeze them if possible. That's what I do with Pork Loin Roasts, my grocery store has them on sale about once a month for around $1.99 lb, I grab up 2-3 and freeze them! Shop smart lady's.

Feel free to substitute out for veggies your family likes, what's on sale, don't like pork? Use chicken or beef! Don't like mushrooms? Use broccoli or snow peas! You get the picture! You do you boo :)
PS... this is not a low sodium meal at all.

Crock Pot Asian Pork & Vegetables

Pork Loin Roast (at least 1/3 lb per person)

8 oz. Sliced Mushrooms
1.5 - 2 C. Carrot Matchsticks/Julienne
Peas (these were just on hand so I tossed them in!)
8 oz. Canned Bamboo Shoots
12 oz. Canned Bean Sprouts

4 Packs Ramen- 2 Beef & 2 Oriental

2 Cup Water with 1 each Beef & Oriental Flavor Packet
1/4 C. Soy Sauce
1/4 C. Balsamic Vinegar
3 Tbsp. Honey
Dash of Cinnamon
1/2 Tsp. Ground Ginger
2 Tbsp. Minced Garlic (3 cloves)
1 Tbsp. Minced/Ginger

  • Place roast in slow cooker
  • Mix all liquid/spice ingredients, pour over roast. Water, Soy Balsamic, Honey, Cinnamon, G. Ginger, Garlic, Grated Ginger.
  • Cook on low 5-6 hours.
  • Add Veggies, cook for 1-2 more hours depending on the veggies you use (I did 1.5 hours!)
  • Bring a pot of water to boil, toss in the remaining 2 flavor/broth packets from your ramen, boil your ramen for about 2 minutes, I like to take them out before they are completely done, that way the finish cooking in my bowl and don't get mushy.
  • Dinners ready when roast is tender!
  • I like to just break larger chunks of the roast off and lay them overtop the noodles, shredding the roast you loose a bit of control over serving portions. Place some veggies and ladel over a bit of the broth. Don't use too much, it has quite a bit of sodium in it so a little goes a very long way!
  • PS I forgot to buy green onions this week, I usually will diced them up and sprinkle over top! 

This meal is super kid friendly, or at least my kid friendly. It contains a well loved childhood favorite..ramen noodles. When kids can recognize something in a dish I feel like they are more willing to try. Plus mom requires a "No Thank You Bite".

Funny story/mom life lesson. My son was a super picky eater when he was much younger. Once when my son was in pre-school his teacher asked him what his favorite food was....he replied, "Water eggs and Ramen Noodles!". I was SO EMBARRASSED! PS Carter's "ramen noodles" have poached or soft boiled eggs, veggies and topped with green onions, but here I am left feeling like this teacher thinks I feed my kid straight up sodium soaked noodles all the time. I was trying to figure out how to explain myself but the conversation moved forward and it would have been awkward. So I said F-it. Who cares. I think as mom's we are our own worst judges. Let me tell you though, every time I bump into her in the grocery store I wish their was some way to segway into an explanation lol.
One of the things I love most about this recipe is that you can just use whatever veg you have one hand, peppers, onions broccoli would all be delicious! I use the bean sprouts because they allow me to cut back on the ramen for myself ( I'm dieting for my sisters wedding) they mix in with the noodles and mimic the texture and feel but are super low on calories, about 20 calories per 1/2 cup & they also add a bit of a sweet crunch! This is also really good over white rice, brown rice, regular cooked noodles like say fettuccine for a bit more chew, and rice or "glass" noodles for a more authentic feel.

Quick Tip? Most recipes call for double time on high heat, like 8 hours on low or 4 on high, DON'T do that with Pork Loin Roast, it gets a drier texture in my personal opinion!

If you try this recipe please comment below or tag me on Instagram! 


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